Consider this oval poster

Faithful to the original image

Light weight, sturdy, safe and ready to hang

Printed on canvas with UV inks, UV clear-coated & mounted

Clean up with a moist sponge; Water-resistant

No glass or plastic cover needed

Bronze finish edge (frame)

Made in Sacramento, California, with American components

Available only from the maker; not imported

Order any size up to 90" (228cm) high.*

Wholesale orders, with no minimum requirement.

Contact Philippe at

408-569-1781 or 916-870-5138


*Priced proportionally. See below.

Guarantee: any product defect will be corrected or replaced, at no charge to the purchaser.

Our Lady of Guadalupe oval

Pricing, etc.

When ordering by height, the width is part of the calculation. Add height + width and dividing by 2 equals your price, per piece.

The proportions are appx. 10 x 19. All examples include the edge frame:

10" W + 19" H = 29" divided by 2 = $14.50 each

11+ 21= 32 divided by 2 = 16.00

12 + 23 = 35 divided by 2 = 17.50

13 + 25 = 38 divided by 2 = 19

14 + 27 = 41 divided by 2 = 21.5

15 + 28.5 = 43.5 divided by 2 = 21.75

16 + 30.5 = 46.5 divided by 2 = 23.25

17 + 32 = 49 divided by 2 = 24.50

18 + 34.5 = 52.5 divided by 2 = 26.25

19 + 36 = 55 divided by 2 = 27.50

20 + 38 = 58 divided by 2 = 29

21 + 40 = 61 divided by 2 = 30.50

22 + 42 = 64 divided by 2 = 32.00

23 + 44 = 67 divided by 2 = 33.50

24 + 46 = 70 divided by 2 = 35.00

25 + 48 = 73 divided by 2 = 36.50

26 + 50 = 76 divided by 2 = 38.00

27 + 51.5 = 78.5 divided by 2 = 39.25

28 + 53.5 = 81.5 divided by 2 = 40.75

Shipping is charged by total weight/size to your zip code. No handling fee(s).

Payments are made by Paypal at or by check paid to and mailed to:

P. Plouchart, 4916 9th Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95820-1523


About Tondos

*Custom and large sizes and orders are accepted: portraits, animals, scenes, logos, graphics, etc. For contact, see below.

A tondo is an image framed inside a circular frame. The name originated in the Early Renaissance (1500s) period of Italy, as a "rotondo" - the Italian word for round. Rotondos were hand-painted images on canvas or boards, mounted into mostly hand-carved round/oval wood frames, destined for high society patrons.

Contemporarily, round and oval image formats are created generaly for photographic images.

Modern frames that match them are available from art and framing galleries, priced proportionally.

I am offering this hand-crafted round/oval product in a more affordable price range, in any size of your choice.

Sample designs, available:

Master Bouquet 001

Master Bouquet 002

Master Bouquet 003

Master Bouquet 004

Master Bouquet 005

Master Bouquet 006

Master Bouquet 007

Master Bouquet 008

Master Bouquet 009

Master Bouquet 010

Deco plate 01

Pizza Poster

Texan sizes pizza poster
( 25" diameter )

The Beatles Illustration

Emblem of Sicily

The Observable Universe by Pablo Budassi

Genealogy (Family) Tree


Flower Ball

Floral 01 - Coloring poster

Jesus/the 4 Apostles

"Our Father" Prayer*

The Minions

Scroll Skull*

We Do It.

toi, moi, nous (you, me, us). La tour Eiffel, Paris

Click left/right image for details

Toy specialty store, Sacramento, CA

Art and design © P. Plouchart. *Particular art or logo designs are property of their Copyright or Trade Mark owners.

P. Plouchart • 4916 9th Avenue, Sacramento, California 95820, USA • (916) 731-5198 or (408) 569-1781


Home page